
Verve Foundation launches latest free financial planning training

Verve Foundation launches latest free financial planning training
(pexels/ lumn)

The Verve Foundation will be running another two cohorts of its Adviser Incubator initiative as well as a cohort of its We Are Change programme. 

Applications for both opened yesterday (July 31) and close on August 14. 

The We Are Change programme offers fully funded training and qualifications to those looking to start a career in finance.

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While also offering regular workshops, mentoring and support alongside their studies. 

The Verve Foundation in collaboration with Sesame Bankhall Group, AdviserCloud and AdviceObjects, alongside sponsors Anna Sofat and John Tuach, will support 10 people to gain their diploma in financial planning and help them find a job in the profession after.

Hayley Rabbets, head of the Verve Foundation, said: “Having had such success with both programmes earlier this year, we’re delighted to have the support from our partners enabling us to continue pushing forward with our initiatives, rounding off 2024 with a bang.”

“We’re advocating for a better profession, not just complaining about how things are but taking real action to make improvements across the board.”

The Verve Foundation will be launching another two cohorts of its Adviser Incubator in early September and October.

The programme comprises weekly core sessions covering business planning and regulatory considerations with additional sessions on cyber security and regular mentoring.

The Verve Foundation runs a number of initiatives aimed at improving some of the challenges in financial services. 

Supported by partners Royal London and Parmenion, the Adviser Incubator will run two different options depending on what stage the business is at. 

The 12-week programme, which is free of charge, is designed for those who are already authorised or in the process of obtaining authorisation - this covers both direct authorisation and appointed representatives. 

While the mini seven-week programme is for those looking to set up their own business and want to know more about their options.

Those on this programme will be invited to join the full 12-week cohort once they are ready to launch their business.

Richard Harrison, chief executive of Sesame Bankhall Group, added: “Our aim is to be advisers’ proactive partner of choice, supporting them through the lifetime of their business, from startup to exit. 

“With recent research highlighting client concerns about their IFA or financial planner retiring, it’s vital that we identify and nurture the next generation of financial