New Voices  

Yoga and walking clubs: how one advice firm does things differently

“I say the wrong thing all the time,” he said and added that some people might think his way of doing things is “a bit off”. 

In his experience, the staff that stay for a year tend to stick with the firm for longer and the people who don’t like it tend to leave quickly. 

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“Everyone here has been here for a while now,” Rowe added. 

On his approach to running a financial planning business, Rowe is proud to do things differently.

“People come to you and tell you all of the best or worst things that happen to them and you can sit there and go ‘that’s a shame’ or you can try and do something about it and help them,” Rowe said. 

“I’m in the ‘try to help camp’,” Rowe said. 

Lucent Financial Planning’s unique approach to advice is evident from the first few clicks on the company's website. 

The website’s ‘meet our team’ section is home to short and snappy high-quality video interviews with each team member. 

“With the videos I wanted people to see what we are like so they know before they come,” Rowe said. 

“I’ll mess about and have a good time so I wanted people to see that before, but also know that there is a serious undercurrent even though you don’t have to be serious in how you deliver it. You just have to do it well," he said

To Rowe’s surprise, the videos have been productive in pulling in new clients.

“It probably gets mentioned half the time with new clients, they will say ‘we’ve seen your video’ and giggle,” Rowe said. 

He added: “And then I blush.”

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