Book Review: Strive by Scott Amyx
We all know people in our lives, friends, family and colleagues, who should have been successful but for some reason just are not. It simply did not happen for them.
They may be hard working, they may be intelligent, but they have not fulfilled their potential or goals.
If intelligence or even hard work was the guaranteed formula for great success then the world would be over flowing with successful people.
Yes intelligence and hard work play a big part, but truly successful people have other factors in common.
One is that they have usually failed before and it is what they have done with this failure or in some cases multiple failures that moulds their future.
Scott Amyx in his new book Strive: how doing the things most uncomfortable leads to success, outlines his recipe for success, based on his own journey as an immigrant child from a poor family to award-winning author and thought leader on emerging technologies and the future of the internet.
He also showcases the stories of some of the truly successful people throughout the ages.
The author has studied not only the modern icons of success, such as Bill Gates and JK Rowling, but looked back in time to see what made historical figures such as Thomas Edison and Leonardo De Vinci unforgettable and examples of excellence.
Mr Amyx argues that while they were naturally intelligent and hardworking, something else made them successful. This was their self-confidence and perseverance harnessed with an ability to step out of their comfort zone.
They abandoned the security they may have had in life, to risk it all to complete goals and actualise their dreams.
His philosophy that he wishes to share with the reader is naturally enough called: strive. Throughout the books ten chapters and uplifting epilogue, the reader is guided though an approach designed to deliver long-term success.
Mr Amyx urges the reader to see beyond what they think they can do and challenges them to consider acts they might think are uncomfortable at first, but which are essential for their evolution and successful future.
Mr Amyx does not deny that talented hard working people can become successful, but his argument is that there are millions of them and few create lasting success in their lives.
For this to happen he argues, you need to embrace your fears and continually do the uncomfortable.
This might scare you at first, but it stretches you to obtain new capabilities and opportunities.
I would recommend this book to anyone who feels in a rut, or at an impasse in their lives. It could be the kick-start you need to fulfill your goals and accomplish the things you may have thought are out of your reach.