
There has been a fundamental shift in UK retirement patterns in recent years

Noel Butwell

Noel Butwell

Continuing uncertainty 

The urgency of addressing the advice gap will only intensify as traditional models of retirement continue to be upended amid shifts in the way we all work and live and seemingly endless economic uncertainty. Advisers could soon be supporting clients during a UK economic downturn once again.

How advisers market themselves and communicate to existing and prospective clients is a part of the solution. They must show they can help those near or at retirement to pursue the lifestyle they want, no matter what the external environment looks like, without straying into alarmist language.

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Yes, the world we live in is changing quickly. And yes, the economic landscape is challenging. But advisers, with the right technology and personalised approach to client service, are in the best position possible to help the next generation of retirees achieve the retirement that is right for them – whatever that may be.

Noel Butwell is chief executive, Adviser at abrdn