Financial Services Compensation Scheme  

Rowanmoor claims on hold 'at least another 6 months'

It has set up a dedicated Rowanmoor webpage and communicates with investors directly via emails and letters.

But Chris Bryans, of Complaints SOS, said communication was still a problem for many claimants he works with.

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"The FSCS says they are communicating with the customers whose lives have been badly affected by this situation for up to 10 years now and the customers have no idea what is going on. 'I feel like I’m being gaslighted by FSCS' is what one customer said this morning."

No duplication

Questions have been raised by many investors about the ongoing investigation, after the Fos had found in their favour in a sample case in January 2022, which ultimately brought Rowanmoor to its knees.

But the FSCS assured claimants in May that it was not duplicating work already done by the ombudsman.

It said the way it determines claims and the way the Fos determines its complaints are different, particularly when it comes to the question of whether the firm owes a civil liability to its claimant, which is a core test for claims with the FSCS, but does not determine a Fos decision. 

A spokesperson told FTAdviser at the time: "The Fos determines complaints based on whether it considers that regulated firms acted in a way which was fair and reasonable in the circumstances.

"The Fos does not decide complaints based on whether a firm owes a civil liability to a complainant, which is the test that FSCS must apply under our rules.

"This means that the eligibility criteria under our rules will not necessarily be met just because the Fos may uphold a complaint in similar circumstances."

The lifeboat scheme said in today's letter it intends to update investors again in two months' time.

Last month the FSCS announced its chief executive Caroline Rainbird had left the organisation. Chief financial officer Fiona Kidy stepped into the role while it searches for a successor.

Bryans said: "If I had one message for the new chief executive at FSCS it’s this: Please put yourself in the shoes of the customers who have their lives on hold while the Rowanmoor claims have been going on for years and years.  

"For many of these vulnerable people it is devastating not knowing what is happening, when this will be resolved, or why there is seemingly another serious delay. The lady I spoke with today ended up in tears over the whole situation and not for the first time."