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How business should look to enforce restrictive covenant clauses

  • Describe the point of restrictive covenants
  • Explain when they might be used
  • Identify the purpose of garden leave

In the UK, it is currently unclear when or if the government’s proposals will become law, but employers and employees alike should keep an eye out for further updates and seek legal advice accordingly. 

Eleanor Adshead is a solicitor and Sarah Rushton is a partner and head of the employment team at Buckles Solicitors 

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. A restrictive covenant is unenforceable across the board, true or false?

  2. Which of the following is not necessarily an area that might be covered by a restrictive covenant?

  3. What does a non-solicitation clause relate to?

  4. A non-dealing covenant allows an ex-employee to approach a former client, true or false?

  5. Which of the following does NOT need to be considered?

  6. What is the point of garden leave?

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  • Describe the point of restrictive covenants
  • Explain when they might be used
  • Identify the purpose of garden leave

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