Protection CPD Course  

Guide to Covid and protection

  • Describe some of the impacts of Covid on protection policies
  • Identify how insurers might respond to Covid in the future
  • identify the most common causes of claims on insurance policies
Guide to Covid-19 and protection
How the insurance industry has adapted to the pandemic

Covid-19 has had a profound effect on all our lives, and many people, through no fault of their own have found themselves forced to rely on their insurance cover.

Some insurers paid out, but so many businesses claimed for business interruption cover, which prompted many disputed claims, and after months of debate in the courts, the favourable interpretation of these contracts came down on the side of policyholders.

But what does Covid mean for personal insurance? With the threat to so many jobs, unemployment cover became impossible to arrange, while many have wondered whether Covid would be included on their income protection and critical illness policies.

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The pandemic has certainly thrown up many questions relating to the issue of insurance; this guide aims to address some of them.

It is worth 60 minutes' CPD.


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What has been the most popular value-added service from providers during lockdown?

  2. Unemployment insurance is now quite easy to find, true or false?

  3. How common is a claim for mental ill health for Zurich?

  4. According to the third feature, remote GP services are unavailable on group policies, true or false?

  5. According to the fourth feature, which of the following is NOT likely to be an impact of long-Covid on insurance policies?

  6. Which of the following is one possibility relating to the future of Covid-related cover?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Describe some of the impacts of Covid on protection policies
  • Identify how insurers might respond to Covid in the future
  • identify the most common causes of claims on insurance policies

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