Mystery Shopper  

Mystery Shopper: Leeds

Verdict: Although not an adviser, the administrator gave the shopper useful information.  


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Adviser: Rosebridge (independent) 

Address: 33 Park Square West, Leeds, LS1 2PF

Speed of response: 4.50pm. The adviser picked up after two rings. 5/5

Telephone manner: The adviser sounded friendly and willing to engage. 5/5

Relevant qualifications: Level 4 Dip PFS. 5/5

Payment method: The adviser gave a vague indication of the fees involved. He said the shopper will know the final figures once she comes in and it depends on what final premium the shopper will pay. 1/5 

Guidance: The adviser proposed meeting the shopper face-to-face to discuss her outgoings and to see whether he can find an income protection plan within her budget. He also suggested that if the shopper is unsure how much cover she requires, she should maybe start off taking a plan over a shorter period, such as two years. The adviser said he would look at some plans and call the shopper back. 5/5

Knowledge: This adviser demonstrated excellent knowledge of income protection. 5/5


Email: 5/5

Verdict: Although the shopper wanted more clarity on fees, this adviser still asked the shopper key questions and offered to give her additional information. He also provided the shopper with an understanding of how she can get the most out of her plan given her budget. 



Adviser: JM Glendinning Financial Services (independent) 

Address: Third Floor, One Park Row, Leeds, LS1 5AB 

Speed of response: 2.40pm. The shopper was connected to the switchboard after two rings, and after an approximately two-minute wait, the shopper was then connected to the adviser. 4/5

Telephone manner: The adviser was friendly. 4/5

Relevant qualifications: Level 4 Dip PFS. 5/5

Payment method: The adviser said that typically the provider’s commission fee to the advice company will cover any fees, but he said this depends on the premium the shopper will pay, and provided no further guidance. 2/5

Guidance: The adviser explained to the shopper that she can expect to receive around 60-65 per cent of her income, given that income protection payouts are free of tax. He said he would look at a few premiums and call the shopper back. 4/5

Knowledge: The adviser demonstrated a decent amount of knowledge on income protection. 4/5


Email: 5/5

Verdict: The adviser gave basic, but good information and offered to help the shopper further by calling her back with additional information. 
