Hargreaves Lansdown has promoted Ziad Abou Gergi to head of its multi-manager team.
Abou Gergi was previously a fund manager at the platform, joining in December 2021.
Prior to joining Hargreaves Lansdown, he was the head of Barclays’ high net worth multi-asset team, and spent 17 years at the company.
Abou Gergi’s new role will be to oversee the management of 11 multi-manager funds in the fund of managers range.
Hargreaves Lansdown announced the launch of 19 new funds in the next two years as part of a strategy update earlier this year.
The first was the HL Growth Fund in December last year, and the second of these, the US Fund, raised £130mn at launch.
Hargreaves’ fund of managers range currently offers the following:
- Equity and Bond
- UK Growth
- Special Situations
- European
- Strategic Assets
- Asia and Emerging Markets
- Balanced Managed
- High Income
- Strategic Bond
- HL UK Income