Retirement CPD course  

Guide to ESG and pension investing

  • Describe the significance of sustainability in pension funds
  • Explain the importance of the relationship with fund managers
  • Describe what the EU sustainable finance disclosure is
Guide to ESG and pension investing
Pexels/Mount Polley


Much talk has been made of ESG in one's investment portfolio, but one's pension is a form of investment, and similar interests lie there. However, it is clear that ESG inclinations do not get the same attention in one's pension saving as they do in a convetional investment portfolio.

How can a client insist on ESG preferences in his or her pension, and how does the adviser enact those wishes? Richard Curtis, the author behind Notting Hill and Love Actually, and also one of the driving forces behind Comic Relief, has tried to highlight the importance of making positive, ESG related choices with one's pension.

Fundamentally many of same ESG funds available for building a portfolio are accessible to pension savers, and the argument about whether they offer good performance, has long been put to rest, especially post Covid.

This guide is worth 60 minutes' CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first article, the request for pension investing in ESG-related funds is exclusively a request from younger savers, true or false?

  2. In the second article, how does Royal London differentiate sustainable from ethical?

  3. According to the second article ESG has no presence in the passive world, true or false?

  4. According to the third article which of the following is NOT a means of checking on the sustainability credentials of a fund?

  5. According to James Faulkner, in the third article, what has been a feature of early stage companies over the past year?

  6. According to the fourth feature, what is the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • Describe the significance of sustainability in pension funds
  • Explain the importance of the relationship with fund managers
  • Describe what the EU sustainable finance disclosure is

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