Asset Allocator  

How to differentiate your global equity exposure

Henry Cobbe

Henry Cobbe

Whilst not common in MPS solutions, this is often an investment approach used by some private client investment managers. Whilst there is no shortage of sector-specific ETFs to implement a sector allocation strategy, there are – unfortunately – very few funds on platform that embrace a sector-selection, differentiated approach to world equity allocation. Those that do merit investigation.

Option 4: Active Factor Selection

The new kid on the block. Whilst “sector rotation” is long established, factor selection or factor “tilting” is a similar thesis that links the performance of different factor-based indices with different market regimes. Again the performance of different factors in different scenarios is well researched and deeply evidenced, making this an interesting way of implementing a view.

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As with sectors, there is no shortage of factor-focused ETFs, and furthermore there are some multi-factor funds available on platforms. The key is how do they allocate to the different factors – do they use a static or dynamic approach?

Similar to sectors, the dispersion between factors can also be very pronounced. For example selecting momentum over value for years after the financial crisis made a material difference to performance outcomes, whereas in 2022, the reverse applied.


So for asset allocators implementing a global equity allocation, but want something differentiated, there is actually no shortage of actively managed alternatives to choose from, whether actively selecting securities, regions, sectors or factors – or a combination of all four approaches: there are plenty of differentiated active approaches to choose from.

Henry Cobbe is head of research at Elston Consulting