
Get a private health check

Kathryn Knowles

Kathryn Knowles

Last Christmas I was very lucky to win a nurse's health screen with British Friendly.

This was the perfect opportunity for me to experience an insurer health screen, from both a client and adviser perspective.

There are several ways I think the screening experience has helped to improve my understanding and the advice I am able to give to clients who need a health screen as part of the underwriting process, I am now able to give them first-hand knowledge of what is involved and so put their mind at ease.

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Plus, I am able to really talk about the practical benefits that come with policies, like the British Friendly income protection cover where clients can use their rewards to essentially have an annual ‘Health MOT’. 

With so much strain on the NHS, access to any form of private health check-up, is a good thing.

For many, it may highlight potential issues, that with further investigation may be sorted before they become big issues.

Client perspective

The health screen was arranged within one to two days of me contacting British Friendly, at a convenient time and place for me, which was during lunchtime, at my workplace. 

The Square Health nurse arrived and was very friendly.

After we both confirmed our ID, the nurse explained what she would do, which initially involved reviewing my medical history and the details loaded onto a computer.

Unfortunately, I do have a few things wrong with me medically, but I was not rushed, with the details chatted through.

The checks included establishing my height and weight; breathing into a cardboard tube to measure lung capacity; my chest measured with a full breath and after exhaling – which I passed.

Next was the standard blood pressure readings, which were done within a couple of minutes followed by the often-dreaded moment, of taking bloods.

I need not have worried, the three vials in total that are required were taken painlessly.

Each test was fully explained, so I would know what to expect when the results came back. The bloods screening does require a person to have nothing but water for 12 hours before the screening.

This was followed by a urine sample test.

This was the standout point for me from the whole experience as this identified that I had small amounts of protein and blood in my urine.

The nurse straight away explained that it was possibly a urine infection and not to worry at all.

She simply advised that I get a second test done with my doctor as soon as possible, to double check it was not anything more serious.

In less than an hour, the screening was complete, and I was back to work.