Three Orbis Investments funds are now available through the Aegon Platform and Aegon Reitrement Choices.
The Orbis Global Equity Fund, Global Balanced Fund and Global Cautious Fund Oeics are now available on the platforms.
Dan Brocklebank, head of Orbis Investments in the UK, said the company does not “chase fads” or offer a stream of funds to cater to whatever is “flavour of the month”.
“Long-term thinking permeates everything we do, and our value-oriented approach has been tested and proven through many cycles, and over more than 30 years,” he said.
Marcel Bradshaw, head of UK retail at Orbis, added that Orbis funds now have a 90 per cent market coverage on investment platforms.
“Our contrarian, value-based approach is now widely available to advisers at an opportune time as many are grappling with the results of 60/40 approaches which, frankly, are not ideally balanced for today’s market conditions,” Bradshaw said.