Multi-Asset Focus  

How multi-asset wrapped up the funds market

  • To understand what drove multi-asset's popularity.
  • To learn how to construct a balanced multi-asset portfolio.
  • To be able to explain different investment outlooks to clients.
How multi-asset wrapped up the funds market


Multi-asset funds have proliferated over the course of the past decade. 

From a few dozen back in 2008, at the height (or the depth, perhaps more accurately) of the global financial crisis to over 1,000 now domiciled in the UK for retail investors, the growth of this particular product has attracted significant attention.

If you were to add to those 1,000 or so funds all the funds available to UK retail investors, including those managed and domiciled outside of the UK, there would be more than 11,000 from which to choose.

This is all very well and good, but how many of these are actually meeting the needs of the end investor?

What was behind the rise of multi-asset investing as a concept, and why has it become so popular? 

Moreover, what makes for a good multi-asset portfolio, and what sort of developments do advisers expect to see from this area over the next few years?

This guide, which qualifies for an indicative 60 minutes' worth of CPD, addresses these issues.

Contributors to this guide: Andrew Harman, portfolio manager of the First State Diversified Growth Fund, Chris Leyland, deputy chief investment officer for True Potential; Ben Willis, senior investment manager for Whitechurch Securities; Lukas Daalder, chief investment officer for Robeco; James Dowey, chief economist and chief investment officer for Neptune Investment Management; Peter Sleep, senior investment manager for Seven Investment Management; Chris Justham, relationship manager for Seven Investment Management; Camilla Ritchie, senior investment manager for Seven Investment Management; Frank Potaczek, head of UK proposition for Architas; Patrick Norwood, insight analyst at Defaqto; Jonathan Webster-Smith, head of the multi-asset team at Brooks Macdonald, the Investment Association; Defaqto; Financial Express; Morningstar; the Financial Conduct Authority.

Simoney Kyriakou is content plus editor of FTAdviser

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. With a growing range comes what, according to Mr Potaczek?

  2. To what does Mr Daalder attribute the rise of the multi-asset fund?

  3. How does Mr Harman say managers can take advantage of investment opportunities as and when they arise?

  4. What is the biggest real-life threat to portfolios, according to Mr Dowey?

  5. What should an adviser be considering, according to Mr Justham?

  6. What does Mr Webster-Smith think will persist?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • To understand what drove multi-asset's popularity.
  • To learn how to construct a balanced multi-asset portfolio.
  • To be able to explain different investment outlooks to clients.

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