
The Guide: passive investing

  • Grasp the importance of passive growth on the broader industry
  • Gain an understanding of recent and developing trends in the space
  • Comprehend the impact of passive flows on different asset classes
The Guide: passive investing


Passive investing has gained traction in recent months in the wake of unexpected global events. It has some clear advantages over active approaches - most obviously on cost - but what are the next steps for passive?

In this special report


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Mark Weeks, what have proliferated in the wake of passive industry growth?

  2. Which of the following does Peter Gunthorp not highlight as a primary objective for the use of smart beta?

  3. What does Michelle McGrade fear investors are giving up by using passives?

  4. Why does Vincent Denoiseux think traditional asset allocation proved unsatisfactory in the financial crisis?

  5. What role do ETFs increasingly play in ETFs, according to Michelle McGrade?

  6. What does Claire Perryman cite as proof that fixed income ETFs have credibility?

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You should now know…

  • Grasp the importance of passive growth on the broader industry
  • Gain an understanding of recent and developing trends in the space
  • Comprehend the impact of passive flows on different asset classes

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