In Focus: Retirement income advice  

10 priority areas when reviewing a CRP after the FCA's thematic review

  • Identify key areas of FCA concern in retirement income advice
  • Explain how to address the FCA's concerns when reviewing a CRP
  • Highlight good practice in retirement income advice

Some key areas to consider:

  • The features and benefits of platforms, products, investment strategies/funds, tools and other third-party services used in your firm’s CRP all need to be considered to ensure they are appropriate for retirement income clients.
  • Due diligence and reasons for selecting providers or solutions need to be documented and regularly reviewed.
  • Where clients want an element of secure income, you should be able to demonstrate that an annuity has been considered and why it was discounted.
  • Firms advising on lifetime mortgages need to consider the FCA’s findings from its separate review of lifetime mortgages.
  • Where offering independent advice, you should be able to show that you have a sufficiently diverse range of products to meet customer needs.
  • Appropriate controls need to be in place to manage any conflicts of interest inherent in the products and solutions offered, such as white-labelled platforms or recommending solutions from a connected company.

10. Client understanding

A key risk highlighted by the FCA is the impact of poor decisions due to the complexity of retirement income planning.

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In many cases, client losses cannot be mitigated, for example by the client returning to work.

The FCA highlighted the importance of advice in supporting clients to understand their options and the consequences of their actions.

Firms should consider how they can support client understanding through their communications, services and recommendations.

Good examples highlighted by the FCA involved firms employing a range of different tools, such as cash flow modelling, to help illustrate complex information and potential scenarios and options. 

The FCA also found poor examples where risks (such as tax implications, capital erosion, worsening annuity rates or unsustainable income) were not properly disclosed to clients, or generic disclosures were used that were not tailored to the client’s particular scenario.

Firms should also consider the products and solutions they recommend to ensure clients are not investing in complex solutions that they do not understand.

Julie Hardie is a policy consultant at Threesixty services


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why should firms review their CRPs at this stage?

  2. The FCA expects advice firm chief executives to document the steps taken to address its review's findings. True or false?

  3. Which of these is NOT listed as a priority area to consider for a firm's CRP?

  4. According to the author, data and MI are not a main area of concern for the FCA when it comes to retirement income. True or false?

  5. Which of these is NOT listed by the author as a factor to consider when evidencing sustainable income withdrawals?

  6. Cash flow modelling is considered good practice when explaining retirement income advice to clients, according to the author. True or false?

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You should now know…

  • Identify key areas of FCA concern in retirement income advice
  • Explain how to address the FCA's concerns when reviewing a CRP
  • Highlight good practice in retirement income advice

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