In Focus: Protecting your client  

How to write cover in 2022's new normal

  • To understand what drove protection business during the pandemic.
  • To know how to start protection conversations with clients.
  • To get an idea of how to explain the value of protection to different clients.

This allows you and the customer to move fluidly through their life span without affecting any quality metrics.

Keeping in contact with your customers also means they will be more inclined to refer and recommend you to their friends and family, which could mean high-quality leads without having to go looking for them.

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This could save on advertising and marketing costs as your lead source becomes organic.

So, although the year may not have kicked off with the same vigour as previous years, we are still in a very strong position to really support our new and existing clients.

The industry is flooded with providers with amazing propositions, who are working more collaboratively towards better outcomes for all. With so many initiatives like Access to Insurance and the IPTF, the protection trade body, we are moving in the right direction to cover more customers than ever.

Now is the time to brush up on your knowledge, sales skills and soft skills and use what we have at our disposal: amazing products and propositions, awesome development teams to support any training requirements and a massive number of potential customers that need your expertise.

Emma Vaughan is head of protection services for SimplyBiz


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the author, gone are the days when you have to do what?

  2. What sort of underwriting solutions are available today, according to the author?

  3. What is a quick and streamlined way of making sure no customer gets left behind?

  4. What is one area where the industry can help promote better customer outcomes?

  5. Writing policies into trust will have a positive effect on what, according to the author?

  6. What will maintain the relationship with each customer, according to the author?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • To understand what drove protection business during the pandemic.
  • To know how to start protection conversations with clients.
  • To get an idea of how to explain the value of protection to different clients.

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