
Guide to US Equities

  • Describe the differences between UK equities and US equities
  • List the way US expats can escape onerous tax rules
  • Describe the fundamental corporate differences between the US and the UK
Guide to US Equities


Investing in the US is seen by many as a gateway to the best, and biggest tech stocks in the world, and a whole host of other stocks, in the biotech sector that investors might not otherwise get to see.

But some investors might be concerned about the geopolitical risk of investing in the US economy, which has recently agreed a truce in its trade war with China.

Despite the fact that both countries have over the past year imposed tariffs on each other's goods, the US economy is doing very well, and the threat of further tariffs has gone away for now.

In addition, with the prospect of a hard Brexit in sight with the new government in place, many investors may be thinking that the US economy might be a more compelling place to invest in.

This guide will set out some of the active, and passive opportunities that investors have, and seek to point out some of the areas they should look at.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why does Mihir Kapadia think the US is likely to outperform UK and European equity markets?

  2. According to Anthony Willis, which of the following will NOT be an important factor for US stocks?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a way of getting round the PFIC rules, restricting investments for a US citizen?

  4. US companies have just the same dividend-paying culture as the UK, true or false?

  5. According to Jason Hollands, what is one of the biggest differences between UK and US stock markets?

  6. The UK market does look over-valued compared to the US market, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe the differences between UK equities and US equities
  • List the way US expats can escape onerous tax rules
  • Describe the fundamental corporate differences between the US and the UK

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