Partner Content by Polar Capital

Investing in AI’s farming revolution

John Deere expects price realisation to be positive this year despite volumes falling year-on-year – rare in a cyclical industry.  They have targets for 10 per cent of revenue to be recurring by 2030 which would be a big lift to the multiple because of the lower cyclicality and high-margin nature of software/data revenue. While we are conscious the industry is currently working through a downcycle, we see reasons to be constructive when the next agriculture cycle begins.

Utility, not novelty, will create AI winners

An important characteristic of the approach behind the Polar Capital Artificial Intelligence Fund is to invest in the applications and beneficiaries of AI across all sectors, not just AI-enabling companies themselves. This strategy sets us apart from peers which, we believe, could miss the opportunity for tremendous AI value creation beyond the technology sector.

The Fund’s ability to invest away from headline AI enablers and into sectors beyond the remit of technology-focused funds allows us to explore these opportunities for long-term AI value creation. Not only does this allow us to stay nimble, investing in the burgeoning industries AI has yet to create, but it also gives the strategy a broader global equity footprint – again providing a differentiating characteristic compared with more traditional technology funds.

By Xuesong Zhao, Lead Fund Manager of the Polar Capital Artificial Intelligence Fund

Discover more about the Polar Capital Artificial Intelligence Fund

  1. Leading the Tech Revolution to Feed & Build A Growing World | John Deere CES 2023 Keynote Address (
  2. Agricultural facts: Summary - GOV.UK (
  3. USDA ERS - Farming and Farm Income
  4. Brazil - Global yield gap atlas
  5. Farm Production Expenditures 2022 Summary 07/28/2023 (

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