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Investing in Asia - October 2014



    More recently there has been discussion of ‘headwinds’ that could present a genuine threat to the Asian story.

    Whether it be Chinese shadow banking and unsustainable stimulus, or potential rate rise risks and the ‘tantrum’ sell-off that could follow, the story for equity investors is more complex than it has been for some time.

    Yet even despite headlines of an easing in the years ahead, the region’s leading economy - and soon to be the world’s - is looking likely to continue to deliver 7 per cent annual GDP growth for the foreeable future. Other key emerging markets in the region also seem likely to continue to deliver desirable numbers.

    This special report will look at all of the key issues affecting economic performance in the months and years ahead, and what economists really think is going on behind the numbers. It will also look at the funds investors should be looking at - and which are still open for them to buy.

    This special report is sponsored by Matthews Asia. All editorial is independent.

    In this special report


    Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

    1. By 2008 the whole of Asia controlled what percentage of world financial assets?

    2. How many open-ended funds targeting Asian markets are listed in the IMA fund universe?

    3. And how many of these funds are in the Asia Pacific excluding Japan sector?

    4. Which fund is selected by two of the four multi-managers as their top pick for Asian funds?

    5. The MSCI Emerging Markets index has a current forward price-to-earnings ratio of what?

    6. At $17.6trn, what percentage of the world’s purchasing power adjusted GDP did China control in 2014?

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